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GUIDE Model: What Senior Living Operators Need to Know

August 20, 2024


Presented by: 

Dr. Ara Sayabalian, Chief Clinical Officer, Secure Clinical Solutions, Inc.

Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Time: 1:00PM ET


Nationally, more than 52% of individuals living in senior living communities have cognitive impairments. Join us for a conversation about the GUIDE model, which provides a standardized approach to dementia care delivery, and what it could mean for communities serving these individuals.

We will provide an overview of GUIDE, its applicability to senior living communities, participation guidelines for in-house primary care groups, resource incentives, and more. Armed with this information, senior living operators can best position themselves to provide quality care for dementia patients as well as caregiver education and support that can help reduce the risk of hospitalizations and extend length of stay.


Learning Objectives

1. Understand the core components of the GUIDE model.

2. Identify actionable steps to incorporate GUIDE practices in dementia care delivery.

3. Learn how to access additional resources for caring for cognitively impaired individuals.


This program has been approved for nursing continuing education for 1 total participant hour, as well as by NAB/NCERS for nursing home administrators, approval #20250923-1-A104697-DL. Attendees must be in attendance for at least 50 minutes to receive credit.


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