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nurse donning infection prevention gear

Infection Prevention: Back to Basics

October 29, 2024


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Presented by: 

Jana Broughton, CLNHA, NHA, MiM, Quality Consultant, Superior Health

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024



While COVID cases are declining, the focus on the virus for three years diverted many facilities’ attention from other infection prevention efforts, resulting in a loss of knowledge of the basics. Add to this an increased reliance on agency staff and extraordinarily high turnover rates for key roles such as DONs, infection preventionists, and administrators, and the gaps grew even wider. The effect has been an increase in citations for F880, 881, 882, 883, and 945, and facilities left unprepared on steps to take to meet CMS’ requirements.

In this session, we’ll help facilities get back to the basics on infection prevention by understanding surveyor expectations, essential process and policy improvements, and ways to engage staff and leadership in establishing a culture of compliance for lower risk and better outcomes. We’ll also cover resources available to facilities at low or no cost, including regional QIOs and consultant pharmacists.


Learning Objectives

1. Understand the F-tags associated with infection control programs in SNFs.

2. Find out how to conduct a baseline audit for risk areas.

3. Learn how to leverage QAPI to address gaps and develop a process improvement plan.

4. Hear how to perform ongoing surveillance.


This program was approved for nursing continuing education for 1 total participant hour, as well as by NAB/NCERS for nursing home administrators (approval #20250807-1-A104633-DL). Attendees must have been in attendance for at least 50 minutes to receive credit.