Specialty Pharmacy Services
Onco360 is one of the largest and fastest-growing independent providers of oncology pharmacy services in the nation. The company’s clinical and dispensing service model was developed specifically to meet the unique needs of cancer healthcare providers and their patients.
Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Louisville, KY, Onco360 dispenses nationally through its network of URAC-, ACHC-, and NABP Digital-accredited Oncology Pharmacies.
CareMed Specialty Pharmacy provides quality specialty pharmacy services that leverage the capabilities of trained, licensed pharmacists to incorporate a broad range of intravenous or injectable solutions. CareMed utilizes the best pharmaceutical preparation techniques, analysis solution quality, and process quality control.
CareMed’s mission is to provide a seamless, integrated delivery system in today’s managed care environment through a partnership between the patient, physician, payor, and pharmaceutical provider. CareMed Specialty Pharmacy maintains Specialty Pharmacy and Mail Service Pharmacy accreditations from URAC, an independent, non-profit organization that promotes health care quality through accreditation, education, and measurement programs.
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