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Find more e-guides, articles, recordings of past webinars, and more in our Skilled Nursing, Senior Living, and Behavioral Health sections.

Keep Residents Safe Against Potential Opioid Overdose

Drug overdoses are becoming more common, including among seniors. Learn 10 tips to help communities mitigate the risk of opioid overdose through education, training, and policies to direct the appropriate use of naloxone.

4 Steps to Successful Opioid Stewardship

Older adults are at high risk for opioid use disorder. They may also experience more severe side effects, such as falls, depression, and anxiety, and even an increased risk of developing dementia. This infographic provides 4 steps you can take to get started with effective opioid stewardship.

Medication Management for Individuals with Down Syndrome

Individuals with Down syndrome are prone to a number of chronic health conditions and often require complex medication regimens that can be challenging for caregivers. Learn tips for making medication management easier and how your pharmacist can help.

5 Facts About Unnecessary Antibiotics

As antibiotic use increases, so does antibiotic resistance, which can put the health of your residents at risk. Learn five facts that can help you and your team improve antibiotic use while preventing unnecessary or inappropriate prescribing of these medications.

Preventing Common ADEs in Individuals with I/DD

Communication barriers, complex treatments, and the high number of medications many individuals with I/DD take are all contributors to adverse drug events (ADEs). Learn about the most common ADEs to affect this population and steps you can take to prevent them.

3 Steps to Medication Optimization

90% of long-term care residents take more than 5 medications. These complex regimens can lead to polypharmacy, adverse events, and hospitalizations. Learn 3 steps to implementing a sustainable approach to medication optimization that can mitigate these issues while also improving health outcomes.

Hospice Roles and Responsibilities: Tips on Managing Care in Your Community

As more people recognize the value of hospice, the number of Americans using these services for end-of-life comfort and support is increasing. Learn how to manage vendors, communicate effectively with residents and families, and successfully incorporate hospice into your community.

6 Tips for CGM Success

Continuous glucose monitors, or CGMs, are not only a more comfortable option for residents, but also a time saver for staff. Learn more about how this technology can enhance care, training staff to use it, and introducing it to residents and families.

Antibiotic Stewardship Program Checklist

An effective antibiotic stewardship program is essential to helping prevent drug-resistant infections and avoiding an F-Tag 881 citation. Use this checklist to see how well your program meets CMS requirements, including policies and procedures, reporting, and communications.

Nonpharmacologic Management of Behavioral Issues

Staff turnover, misconceptions about psychotropics, and confusing regulations can make focusing on nonpharmacologic approaches a challenge. Learn 6 key steps to create a culture that prioritizes nonpharmacologic strategies to manage behavioral issues.

Embedding QAPI in the Culture to Combat Staffing Challenges

When embedded into your organization’s culture, your QAPI — Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement — program does more than satisfy CMS requirements — it can help prevent burnout, improve morale, and drive loyalty.

Preparedness Can Help Make Disasters Less Stressful

Natural disasters can happen at any time, sometimes without warning. Learn how your pharmacy can help you ensure essential medications are available if disaster strikes.