Improving Safety and Compliance with EPCS
January 27, 2021Presented By: Beth DeLaHunt, Sales Engineer for Point Click Care and Deanna Cox, Program Manager for Point Click Care
Date: February 9, 2021 at 1:00PM ET
Obtaining valid prescriptions for controlled substances can be an arduous task for SNF providers, prescribers, and pharmacies alike. To make matters worse, manual processes that involve phone calls and faxing can lead to diversion, compliance issues, and delays in treatment. Fortunately, there is an answer. Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) improves patient-safety, helps ensure compliance, reduces diversion, and streamlines workflows by eliminating faxing. In this webinar, you will learn about the benefits of EPCS and the requirements for using EPCS with PointClickCare and Pharmerica. The presenter will review the regulatory landscape and provide guidance on how to improve prescriber adoption.
Key Webinar Learnings
- Understand the benefits of EPCS to providers, prescribers, and residents
- Review current and proposed regulations related to EPCS
- Discuss requirements and workflows for using EPCS with PointClickCare and Pharmerica
- Recommendations for evangelizing EPCS to prescribers to improve adoption